FARMily April New Stock~!!

Hi Everyone, April Stocks are now ready for order!
Sorry if the merchandise is not alot this month, as I have to put aside some budget for the Fangoods, and plus I’ll be going on a trip to Taiwan later this month =D


To order, email to using this format:

Subject Title: FARMily Instock Order – [Your name]

Collection: [Normal Mail/Reg Mail/Self Collection/Meet up]
Address: (If postage is chosen)

Item 1:
Item Name:
Color: (If applicable)

Item 2:
Item Name:
Color: (If applicable)

Total no. of items:
Total Price:



View the rest of the stocks by month here!

[1 Instock] – means there is only 1 available
[2 Instock][1 Rsv] – means there is still 1 available
[Rsv] -means it’s taken
[Sold] -mean it’s no longer available ^__^

About FARMily

FARMily Trio is founded by 3 girls whom know each other since Secondary School. And it's pretty obvious, that we specialize in Super Junior merchandise.. *bias here* =) ♥♥ So you may be curious, why are we called FARMily trio? The reason is simple, we are the 'Animals' that lived in this fantasy FARM created when we were in our secondary school, and we each represent a different animals.. There's a total of 8 animals, but only 3 of us decided to start up FARMily =) Thus, from the combined forces from us 3 animals, we hope to bring in more products that will keep your interest. Of course, getting some feedback from you guys helps too.. ^__^ So, don't keep all the comments to yourself, post some comments, or simply email us, so we can improve to serve you better.. =) Remember, we are friendly animals and we don't bite.. ♥♥ p.s. FARMily is now managed by only 1 animal, with occasionally help from the other 2. Please be kind to her~ She dedicate a lot of time on her own~ =)
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10 Responses to FARMily April New Stock~!!

  1. jermaine says:

    Can rsv 1 set sj-m ezlink card. . I will send u the order tomorrow 🙂

  2. ShiroyukiSatsuki says:

    Can u reserve 1 shinee lightstick for me? Oh n btw, I’m just wondering if u can get this ($15.jpg ) n how much will it be? Thx!! =D

  3. Hen2 says:

    Can I know the “SJ Angel Anti-Radiation sticker”
    is for handphone or ?

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